
正规博彩十大网站,Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院寻求具有促进口腔健康热情的杰出个人. Through each individual dental program at Pacific, 我们确定了, recruit and admit applicants who collectively make up a well-rounded and diverse student body. We invite you to join us in making an impact. Explore our programs and learn about our people here.



DDS ' 26类统计

图片来源:Diva Plavalaguna: http://www.pexels.com/photo/man-having-a-virtual-meeting-6147390/
Monthly event series on Zoom for prospective applicants

Join the Dugoni 入学s and 学生服务 Team for 发现Dugoni: The 项目, the People, the Place, 讨论、演讲和提问&A在各种各样的话题上. Prospective applicants to the Dugoni School’s DDS, id, and 口腔卫生 programs won't want to miss this!


The cost of dental school can be expensive, but it is an investment in your future that is well worth making. 了解更多 about our 金融援助 options below.


You’ll find a world of opportunities as a member of the Dugoni School family. Check out our new viewbook and see what our students have to say about their experience!



Interprofessional Education at the Dugoni School

IPE is an instructional stream throughout the id, DDS和口腔卫生课程, gradually exposing students to interprofessional collaborative practice competencies. Dugoni牙科学院的学生与正规博彩十大网站内外许多其他医疗保健专业的学生分享他们的教育经验. 

临床经验 & 监督

我们的牙科学校是以能力为基础的牙科教育的先驱-这种方法取代了传统的临床要求系统,以确保毕业生拥有技能, understanding and professional values needed for the independent practice of general dentistry. 学校的综合病人护理计划是基于私人牙科诊所的概念,学生承担指定病人的治疗责任, 咨询, 以及专科护理的转诊. 


我们的牙科学校是以能力为基础的牙科教育的先驱-这种方法取代了传统的临床要求系统,以确保毕业生拥有技能, understanding and professional values needed for the independent practice of general dentistry.

学校的综合病人护理计划是基于私人牙科诊所的概念,学生承担指定病人的治疗责任, 咨询, 以及专科护理的转诊. Second-year students practice 诊所al dentistry 15 hours per week, 学习在小组实践管理人员和诊断科学多学科教师的指导下提供全面的牙科护理, 牙周病学, 牙髓学, 口腔正畸学, removable prosthodontics and restorative dentistry.

三年级的学生每周大约有33个小时的牙科临床实践,为他或她的患者群体中的所有患者提供护理. 偶尔其他照顾者, a 第二 or third-year student or resident, complete certain procedures in a treatment plan. This is done through the group practice leader (GPL) and requires the approval of the patient. 最初被指定为病人提供护理的学生牙医在其他学生或住院医生提供的所有治疗期间仍负有护理责任.

在第三年的诊所, the group practice mentor (GPM) supervises oral diagnosis and treatment planning, 紧急情况, operative dentistry and fixed prosthodontics, 包括测试用例. 在门诊期间,每个小组实践中有三位gpm,学生在大多数预约过程中都与三位导师一起工作. GPM监测护理的进展,并与患者和学生一起完成定期病例审查. 综合护理诊所允许学生在训练有素的义齿医生的监督下治疗技术上困难的修复病例,学生与教师的比例很低.

The 第二 and third-year class is divided into eight groups. Each group practice is managed by a group practice leader, 在集体实践中,谁负责所有学生和教师对病人的护理. 其他临床学科由教师管理,他们对某一组学生没有具体的责任. 牙髓学和可移动修复学的专家在诊所的特定区域管理所有这些病例, 包括测试用例. Periodontists manage periodontal procedures.

口腔颌面外科, 移植学, pediatric dentistry and radiology are learned in respective specialty 诊所s. 博士生与教师和正畸住院医师一起参与辅助正畸护理和口腔发育诊所. 高级临床牙科和涉及多个学科的新发展和主题的评估在第三年与患者护理一起学习.


太平洋螺旋课程, 独特的课程模式,整合了跨学科和多年的课程内容,强调主动学习和批判性思维的发展. Hallmarks of the Helix model are active classrooms, 小组案例学习, and the prudent use of technology to extend learning beyond the traditional classroom. 

2017年 战略计划 is entitled “Transforming the Future of 口服 Health Education,学校的愿景声明中写道:“通过项目创新改善健康和福祉。, 合作伙伴关系, 和人民.“太平洋螺旋课程, 独特的课程模式,整合了跨学科和多年的课程内容,强调主动学习和批判性思维的发展, aligns nicely with both the 战略计划 and the vision statement, and reinforces the school’s commitment to innovation and leadership in dental education.    

Hallmarks of the Helix model are active classrooms, 小组案例学习, and the prudent use of technology to extend learning beyond the traditional classroom. 支持和推进新模式, the school has increased the number of full-time faculty, focusing specifically on recruiting educators who fit the model, and provides ongoing expert training in principles of 21st century pedagogy and Web 2.0工具. 一名全职博士培训的教师开发人员/教学设计师负责指导教师考虑对现有课程进行创新,或协助设计新课程.  

Integrated Clinical Sciences Curriculum (ICS)

在科学的基础知识与病人护理和人际交往能力在所有年的程序集成. 第一年的ICS课程, "Orientation to the 临床实践 of General Dentistry,涵盖了如何对待病人, 收集信息, 准备好治疗他们. 学生通过讲座学习, 研讨会, and 诊所al and case-based exercises about key topics such as diagnostic sciences, 沟通技巧, 病人管理, 道德, 诊所系统. 在第二年的课程中, learning shifts to treatment planning and delivery of care, while reinforcing the foundational sciences and 沟通技巧. 教师来自广泛的基础科学、临床部门和实践背景. Students focus on 诊所al dentistry as a whole rather than as individual disciplines. 学生们超越第一年的“理想”技能和协议,将技能应用于临床的真实病人. The third-year course covers themes involving all aspects of 诊所al dentistry—technical, 科学, 人与人之间的互动.  学生参加小组研讨会,并向教师和彼此进行正式演讲,以展示对循证治疗和患者护理的理解. 


IPT系列旨在超越我们现有的临床准备的优势,并利用机会发展广泛的技能, 包括病人沟通, that are necessary for the successful practice of dentistry. 这条线包括现代牙科技术和技术的进步,现在广泛用于私人执业, such as digital impressions and radiographs. Learning begins with a mastery of foundational concepts and terminology, then moving to an interdisciplinary thinking model, and culminates in increasingly complex patient cases simulating the 诊所al experience. Authentic learning and safe guided practice is the heart of the IPT strand.


IMS链正在进行重大修订,使其内容更紧密地与学校的新 能力声明 及策略计划, while preparing students thoroughly for the integrated national board exam launched in 2020. The redesigned strand retains some of the traditional 内容, 但它引入并整合了未来从业者需要成功的新领域:医学, 老年病学, 流行病学, 统计数据, 研究方法, and social determinants of health and wellness. 生物医学科学学院和他们的牙医同行正在创建一个链条,为医学科学提供坚实的基础,并明确地将这些知识与口腔健康和患者护理联系起来.  


The student's 诊所al group practice is the central organizing unit of the 诊所al experience. 由等量的首字母组成的, 第二, 还有三年级的牙科学生, as well as advanced standing students from the International 牙科 Studies program, 诊所团队使学生在私人执业中遇到的现代全面患者护理体验成为可能.


This strand gives students the opportunity to customize learning. Guided by their own interest and curiosity, 学生在核心课程中没有提供的与牙科相关的领域或领域中发展独特的经验途径. All PIPs require documented foundational knowledge, 体验式学习作品, 工作成果. 许多pip还包括一篇累积性反思文章,学生在其中分析项目的价值和由此产生的个人成长. All students work with an expert in the field of interest, but the mentor serves only in an adjunctive, advisory role; the student develops the idea and drives the project. 主题涵盖了一系列的想法, 从加勒比地区的口腔疾病流行病学到制定同行技术实验室项目, 从牙科教育研究到更传统的卫生专业的长凳和应用研究.